Guarantee the fit for your E-Scooter

Here at project lithium we make battery packs to order,
making sure the battery pack is perfect for you.

We take your existing battery casing, and put new batteries
inside to the exact or better specifications of the original battery.

Reduce waste, and guarantee the fit!

Reliability for your E-Bike

The last thing you want is to find is that the new battery you
purchased has the wrong capacity, or a sketchy power connector.

By tailoring a battery to you we can make sure we get the right
capacity and current to not damage your product/custom project.

Make your E-Bike last a long time!

On a budget, use recycled cells

Normally assembling batteries to order is expensive, but using recycled cells from us you usually save around 30% compared to new.

We re-use what we can from your existing battery i.e. controller (BMS), and case to help save you money.

All lithium batteries are expensive, but we try to make as cheap as possible. Make sure to compare prices, we may not be cheapest for all projects, so we have our handy price calculator further down the page and here!

Make sure to send us a message if you are unsure about exactly what cells you need, not all batteries are equal.

Local in Auckland, New Zealand

We are a small local business based in Auckland, New Zealand so we can give you faster lead time and cheaper shipping costs.

18650 Cells

18650 Batteries are the industry standard for battery packs for e-scooters and e-bikes as well as DIY projects.
They are cost effective, easy to work with, and the smallest cell we offer. We offer both new and recycled cells at 2 different capacities.

2000 mAh Recycled

Tested to 1900 mAh

LGAAHD2C1865 Cell


20 A Max Current per Cell
LGAAHD2C1865 Cell
Recycled 2000 mAh

3000 mAh Recycled

Tested to 2900 mAh


10 A Max Current per Cell
Recycled 3000 mAh

3000 mAh New

3200 mAh Rated Capacity

Panasonic NCR-18650-BD Cell


10 A Max Current per Cell
New 3200 mAh

21700 Cells

21700 Batteries are higher capacity, can supply a much higher current, are more modern, but more expensive. These cells are commonly used in e-skateboards. We currently only offer these cells brand new, and are currently working on sourcing them second hand.

4000 mAh New

Samsung 21700 40T

Samsung INR21700-40T Cell


35 A Max Current per Cell
New 4000 mAh

4200 mAh New

Molicel 21700 P42A

Molicel INR-21700-P42A Cell


45 A Max Current per Cell
New 4200 mAh


This can mean one of the following things:

  1. Your charger might be faulty
  2. Your bms might have be faulty
  3. Your battery is undercharged that caused the bms to go into sleep mode
  4. Your cells are dead

This might mean one of the following things:

  1. A fuse has blown
  2. The bms has a fault
  3. The cells have died
  4. The device is drawing too much power

The battery heating can be normal as long as it’s within the normal range.

One of the following can be the cause:

  1. High power draw
  2. Fast charging

This has two main reasons why this is happening.

  1. Over heating
  2. Too much draw
  3. A bms balance lead disconnected 

If this is recurring issue there might be an issue with the bms or device

This could mean that the cells are degraded and might need replacing soon.

If your battery is lasting about half as long as it did when it was new this is the most common sign that you need a repack.

We make sure all recycled cells we sell are fully working.

But if you want to make your own battery there is no problem using recycled / second hand cells, there are just a few rules to follow.

  1. Test Test Test, make sure you know the cell’s capacity 
  2. Don’t mix cell types 
  3. Make sure the cell capacity does not vary too much between cells.

The numbers actually are just defining the cell’s dimensions 

18650 cells are 18mm x 65mm

21700 cells are 21mm x 70mm 

Some other differences are 21700 cells usually have more power and both higher capacity and current ratings.

Pricing Estimator

Quickly get a cost estimation for your project. These prices are not final, but are a great starting point to help you decide on what works best for you. You can also contact us below if you are unsure about what cells you need.
Price includes labor and all material costs.

Type Spec mAh & Max A New Price Reclaimed Price New Model Reclaimed Model
Nominal Voltage: 0V

* Recycled cells are verified to a varience of +/-100mAh of rated capacity

Ask Us

Haven’t found the answers you were looking for yet?

Drop us a message using the form below. We are always up for a chat, ready to answer your questions, and excited to help bring your custom pack to life.

No obligations, we are happy to answer any questions to help you with your project!